Active and Latest

There are 2 modes to view Flows in Flow Assist:

  1. Active

  2. Latest

Whether you are viewing these determines if you are viewing the latest version of a flow (being pulled from Salesforce directly) or viewing the Active version.

Benefits of Active

Page load times - Salesforce's API can be slow, add in requests spanning the globe, load times can be upwards of 10 seconds. This is not the experience that we want to provide with Flow Assist, by using Active mode, we better control the speed your data gets to you.

Usage insights - Active status suggests permanence. While it might take a while to get there, we hope Active flows remain active and unchanged. From there, we can generate our Object and Field Usage tables and many future functionalities.

Drawbacks of Active

We poll Salesforce every few minutes to get updates on your flows. This means, if you are rapidly updating and activating, we might be a version behind. If you are using Flow Assist while actively developing we recommend using the Latest view

Benefits of Latest

The benefit is simple - you are always looking at the latest view.

Every time you refresh we pull the latest version of the chosen Flow from Salesforce. While it can be slow this ensures:

  1. You're getting all updates, live

  2. When you share a flow with a colleague, you aren't getting dead links

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